This Brushless Motor Controller DC 12-36V 500W PWM Driver Board is used for the 3-phase brushless sensor motor with hall sensor.
Control Pins:
Connect EL (motor enable) to 5v, Z/F to 5v (foward direction). Connect a 10k potentiometer for speed control (pins: 5v, VR, GND)
5v: 5v Output
EL: Motor Enable Input (5v)
Signal: Speedometer Output
Z/F: Forward/reverse Control (5v/GND)
VR: Speed Control (0..5v)
GND: Ground
Motor Hall Connections:
Connect your motor hall sensor outputs to Ha, Hb, Hc, connect your motor hall sensor module to 5v and GND.
5v: 5v output
Ha: Motor hall sensor input phase 1
Hb: Motor hall sensor input phase 2
Hc: Motor hall sensor input phase 3
GND: Ground
Motor and Battery Connections:
Connect battery to P+, P-, connect brushless motor to MA, MB, MC.
P+ : Voltage input
P- : Ground input
MC: Motor output phase 3
MB: Motor output phase 2
MA: Motor output phase 1
Note: if driving 60 Watts or more, use a heat sink for the MOSFETs with insulation sheet between MOSFETs and heat sink, so MOSFETs do not short-circuit.