Create an Eye-Catching Scrolling Text LED Display Using Arduino UNO

Scrolling text LED displays are a great way to add some visual interest to your projects. They can be used to display messages, announcements, or even just to create a cool light show.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an eye-catching scrolling text LED display using Arduino UNO. We will use a MAX7219 dot matrix display module, which is a popular and affordable option for creating scrolling text displays.

What you will need:


  • Arduino IDE


Schematic for scrolling text LED display using Arduino UNO


// This code creates an eye-catching scrolling text LED display using Arduino UNO. // We will use a MAX7219 dot matrix display module, which is a popular and affordable option for creating scrolling text displays.

// Import the necessary libraries #include <Arduino.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <Max7219.h>

// Define the pins that we will use #define DIN 11 #define CS 10 #define CLK 13

// Create a MAX7219 object Max7219 matrix = Max7219(DIN, CS, CLK);

// Initialize the display matrix.begin(); matrix.setIntensity(8); // Set the brightness to 8 

// Create a string to scroll String text = "This is a scrolling text display.";

// Start the scrolling loop void loop() { // Scroll the text one character at a time for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { matrix.write(text[i]); delay(100); } }


How to Run the Code:

  1. Upload the code to your Arduino UNO.
  2. Connect the MAX7219 dot matrix display module to your Arduino UNO according to the schematic.
  3. Power on your Arduino UNO.
  4. The scrolling text display should start up.


If the scrolling text display is not working, here are some things to check:

  • Make sure that the MAX7219 dot matrix display module is connected to your Arduino UNO correctly.
  • Make sure that the code is uploaded correctly.
  • Try a different string to scroll.


In this tutorial, we showed you how to create an eye-catching scrolling text LED display using Arduino UNO. We used a MAX7219 dot matrix display module, which is a popular and affordable option for creating scrolling text displays.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

Arduino nanoLed displayLed display using arduino uno

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